Dental phobia

Dental phobia is a fear, or phobia, traditionally defined as an irrational and exaggerated fear of dentists and dental procedures, also referred to as dental fear. Some controversy exists with regards to whether the fear is "irrational", as dental phobia is most commonly caused by previous bad experiences. It can be argued that the fear of dentists is logical, as it requires sharp metal objects and ear-piercing drills to be placed in the mouth, an extremely pain-sensitive area of the body.

Dental phobia may better be defined as an extreme and persistent fear which results in the individual's avoidance of attending a dentist at all costs, unless possibly when a physical problem becomes overwhelming. Even thinking or hearing about going to the dentist will cause marked psychological distress, and the phobia may interfere with social functioning.

Dental phobia (which may also be referred to as odontophobia, dentophobia, dentist phobia, or dental anxiety) is one of the specific phobias. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), the diagnostic criteria of specific phobia include

* a marked and persistent fear of the specific object or situation that is excessive or unreasonable,
* an immediate anxiety response upon exposure to the feared stimulus, which may take the form of a panic attack,
* recognition that the fear is excessive or unreasonable,
* avoidance of the anxiety-producing situation,
* the phobia interferes with normal functioning or causes marked distress.