Tooth Whitening Methods

Tooth Whitening Methods
By Charles Uwalaka

There are different ways you can whiten your teeth with the help of your dentist. Dentists employ different techniques in tooth whitening. There are the external and internal techniques.

External technique has to do with application of the teeth whitening gel on the outer surface of the teeth. When a tooth is discolored as a result of metal fillings or damaged blood vessels, this technique will not remove the stain. External tooth whitening can be categorized in two ways, namely at-home tooth whitening and laser or power tooth whitening.

Home tooth whitening has to do with designing of a rubber mouth guards by your dentist. The dentist designs the rubber mouth guards in such a way that it is precisely for your teeth. You will then be given the tooth whitening gel with detailed instruction on how to use the gel with the mouth guards.

Laser or power tooth whitening system involves the insertion of a rubber seal with in your tooth. This is done to protect your given. Then your tooth will be painted with the gel. A bright light is directed to your teeth. This light makes the whitening process faster, which can last for about one or two hours for a better result.

In internal tooth whitening as the name implies, the gel is introduced into your tooth through a hole made on your tooth by your dentist. This procedure is exclusively for successfully root treated tooth.

During this tooth whitening technique, your dentist will drill a hole at the back of your front tooth. Then he will apply the tooth whitening gel inside the hole. Your dentist will then seal the hole with temporary fillings, while the gel is inside the tooth. This technique has no pain since the tooth has no nerve.

In about a week time the dentist has to remove the fillings and the tooth whitening gel. You can still request for repeat of the techniques if you are not satisfied with the shade of color of your teeth.

Finally, your dentist will fill the holes with a tooth colored filling. Internal tooth whitening techniques can require other techniques for tooth whitening success.

Charles is a technical writer for - A free site that offers info on the problems and solutions regarding the different teeth whitening techniques.

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